About Matteo Collina
Co-Founder and CTO, Node.js TSC member, Fastify Lead Maintainer

Matteo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Platformatic.dev. He is also a prolific Open Source author in the JavaScript ecosystem and modules he maintain are downloaded more than 12 billion times a year. Previously he was Chief Software Architect at NearForm, the best professional services company in the JavaScript ecosystem. In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Matteo is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee focusing on streams, diagnostics and http. He is also the author of the fast logger Pino and of the Fastify web framework. Matteo is an renowed international speaker after more than 60 conferences, including OpenJS World, Node.js Interactive, NodeConf.eu, NodeSummit, JSConf.Asia, WebRebels, and JsDay just to name a few. He is also co-author of the book "Node.js Cookbook, Third Edition" edited by Packt. In the summer he loves sailing the Sirocco.

Connect with Matteo
About Daniel
About Matteo Collina
Co-Founder and CTO, Node.js TSC member, Fastify Lead Maintainer
Université du Québec

Daniel Lemire is a computer science professor at the Data Science Laboratory of the University of Quebec (TELUQ). He is among the top 500 GitHub users worldwide and has published over 80 peer-reviewed research papers. He is an editor at the journal Software: Practice and Experience,

Matteo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Platformatic.dev. He is also a prolific Open Source author in the JavaScript ecosystem and modules he maintain are downloaded more than 12 billion times a year. Previously he was Chief Software Architect at NearForm, the best professional services company in the JavaScript ecosystem. In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Matteo is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee focusing on streams, diagnostics and http. He is also the author of the fast logger Pino and of the Fastify web framework. Matteo is an renowed international speaker after more than 60 conferences, including OpenJS World, Node.js Interactive, NodeConf.eu, NodeSummit, JSConf.Asia, WebRebels, and JsDay just to name a few. He is also co-author of the book "Node.js Cookbook, Third Edition" edited by Packt. In the summer he loves sailing the Sirocco.

with Daniel
Connect with Matteo
Connect with Matteo
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Networkless HTTP
Can we use HTTP for communication within the same Node.js instance? Let's imagine a world where we can call fetch() to retrieve a local resource without hitting the network. How many lines of code would be required?

This talk describes the internals of Platformatic Runtime, Node.js Core fetch(), Undici and how they all combine to create an in-memory microservices network.
Here are the projects mentioned:
- https://github.com/nodejs/undici
- https://blog.platformatic.dev/introducing-platformatic-runtime
  • Date: 07 Nov 2023
  • Time: 11:30 GMT | 11:30 UTC
  • Length: 25 minutes
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